Fairbank Village BIA Canada Summer Jobs Positions

We are grateful to have received support from the federal Canada Summer Jobs Program again this year! MP Julie Dzerowicz, one of our local MPs is a big supporter of this youth employment program in Davenport. Each of these positions will help to promote and support the local businesses and contribute to the wider community as a whole. For the youth involved, we have created these to be relevant and resume-building entry-level work experiences in a field of interest or study.

There are three part-time positions at $14.25/h available for youth (30 years or younger):

Communications and Content Development Assistant - May 17th - 15h/week for 20 weeks

Business Development Assistant - June 7th - 30h/week for 12 weeks

Marketing Assistant - August 2nd - 15h/week for 20 weeks

You can find out more information below and apply by sending your cover letter and resume to info@fairbankvillagebia.ca or by submitting through Indeed.